Getting Started

Essential tips for anyone looking to establish or improve their online presence.

close up of man writing in notepad. Working on project concept

The 5-point checklist for project success

By properly planning your website design and development project, you'll learn how to avoid common pitfalls and set yourself up for success!

Close up of a mans handing highlighting on a document

Website Workshops

Learn how to lessen your risk and set your project up for success!

a computer screen showing multiple plugins ready for updating

Why software licenses and updates are essential to your WordPress site

Your WordPress website runs on a boundless ecosystem of plugin and theme software. When you ignore those software updates, you’re putting your site at risk.

A man sits at a wooden table, writing in a notebook next to an open laptop, with a smartphone and a croissant nearby, illuminated by natural light.

What makes a website “good”?

When you're not sure what's really important it's easy to judge something by looks and price. But what makes a website "good" is a lot more than that.

low cost guide

No-Cost / Low-Cost Guide for Online Marketing

Digital marketing can be quite expensive — but it doesn't have to be. Here are some of the best low or no cost tips on promoting your website.

write website copy

You might not be the best person to write your website… here’s why

In this article, we go through exactly why you shouldn’t - and what to do instead.

how to promote your website address

How to Promote Your New Website

Now that your website is in place, it’s time to let the world know about it! With over a billion websites on the internet, “build it and they will come” isn’t a viable strategy...

broken wix

Can I Move My Website From Wix?

If you’re simply looking to pick up your Wix website and move it to another platform, you’re going to be ...

Digital Marketing Education Center

The Easy Guide to Writing Your Own Website Copy

Had enough staring at a blank screen wondering what to write? We’ve helped business owners, marketers, and all kinds of ...

7 questions 1

The 7 Questions 80% of Businesses Ask Before Buying a Website

In this article you'll find my answers to the most common questions people have before buying a website.

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Most Websites Fail!

Let me help you avoid the mistakes that doom most projects before the first pixel is ever published!