Resources & Insights
Keep up-to-date with the latest news, expert insights, and updates for all things WordPress

Eco-friendly web design: sustainable websites are the way forward.
My pledge to continue making the environment a priority with every website.

How to Perform a Website Quality Test
Learn a simple way that any business owner can test their website for build quality, including performance, best practices, accessibility, and SEO.

Building a Legally Compliant Website
No matter where your business is located, privacy, and accessibility laws affect your website. Find out why, and what you can do to achieve compliance.

Why software licenses and updates are essential to your WordPress site
Your WordPress website runs on a boundless ecosystem of plugin and theme software. When you ignore those software updates, you’re putting your site at risk.

Website Performance: What it Means and How You Test it
Website performance impacts nearly every aspect of the success of your website. Learn what it means, how to test your website, and how you can improve your website speed!

Your blog post is published, now what?
If you think you’ve reached the finish line by hitting “publish” then you’re missing out on the most important part of content marketing — promotion!

Why I Keep 100+ Backups of Every Website I Manage
While that may seem like overkill, having plenty of redundant backups is critical to the successful management of any website.

How to Convert Your Website to Blocks
Learn how to convert your website from an old, outdated page builder to a lightning-fast block-based website!

Moving to a Compliant Analytics Solution
Why I’m moving to a privacy-focused solution (and you should too).

What’s a Domain and How Do I Buy One?
In this quick step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through what a domain is and how to find and purchase one.

5-Topic Framework for Better Blogging
The secret to successful blogging isn’t a secret — it’s having a strategy!

Introducing Our New Flat-Price Website Plans
A new, affordable way to get your business website live without high upfront costs!

Why I Recommend the Block Editor
Few website building systems have given users as much power without sacrificing ease-of-use or performance. This is why I recommend building with blocks.